Jacquelynne (Supplanter)
Jacquenette (Little Jacques)
Jakobe (Supplanter)
Jaquelin (Supplanter)
Jasmyne (Flower name)
Jeanette (Little Jean)
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Jeanice (God is merciful)
Jeni (Knowledge)
Joella (Jehovah is God)
Joi (Rejoicing)
Jolanka (County)
Joleigh (Cheerful, Pretty)
Jolie (Beautiful)
Joyelle (Rejoicing)
Julia (Youthful)
Juliette (Youthful)
Julita (Youthful)
Kaatje (Pure)
Karleen (Womanly: strength)
Karleigh (Womanly: strength)
Karlina (Womanly: strength)
Karo (Strong, Melody, Song)
Karolina (Petite, Feminine)
Karri (Strong, Melody, Song)
Katriane (Pure, Innocent)
Katrina (Pure)
Kikka (Mistress of all)
La Verne (Born in the spring)
Lacee (Place name)
Laciann (Place name)
Lacy (Place name)
Laurel (Laurel)
Lauren (Laurel)
Lena (Child of light, Bitter)
Leonela (Lion)
Leonore (Shining light)
Leopolda (Of the people)
Leopoldine (Of the people)
Liana (Vine, To bind, Youthful)
Lianna (Vine, To bind, Youthful)
Lieselotte (Beloved by God)
Liliane (Innocence, Purity, Beauty)
Lindie (Snake)
Linn (Linnet bird, Flaxen)
Livvy (Olive tree)
Livy (Olive tree)
Liz (God's oath)
Lizzy (God's oath)
Lorayne (Place name)
Lore (A laurel wreath)
Loretta (Where Lothar dwells)
Lorraine (Warrior maiden)
Lorrie (Where Lothar dwells)
Lorry (Where Lothar dwells)
Louisiana (Warrior maiden)
Luana (Warrior maiden)
Lucile (Light)
Lucrece (Riches)
Luisa (Warrior maiden)
Lurleen (Temptress)
Lyssa (Noble, Truth)
Macey (Gift of God)
Maddalen (Magnificent)
Maddy (Woman from Magdala)
Madelon (Woman from Magdala)
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Madie (Tower)
Magnhilda (Strong battle maiden)
Magnolia (Flower)
Maibelle (My fair maid, Lovely)
Majori (Pearl)
Mal (Army counsellor)
Mallory (Army counseler)
Malori (Army counsellor)
Marclyn (God of war)
Margaux (Pearl)
Margie (Pearl)
Margo (Pearl)
Margrit (Pearl)
Marian (Bitter)
Mariann (Little Mary)
Mariele (Bitter)
Marilda (Famous battle maiden)
Marjory (Pearl)
Marlisa (Bitter)
Mathild (Mighty battle maiden)
Maude (Strength for battle)
Melodie (Melody)
Merla (Blackbird)
Merlyn (Blackbird)
Mili (Industrious, Strength)
Milly (Industrious, Strength)
Mindy (Love)
Mirla (Blackbird)
Monika (Variant of Mona madon)
Myna (Love)
Nancy (Grace)
Nannette (Grace)
Natalee (Born at Christmas)
Nathalia (Born at Christmas)
Natuche (Born at Christmas)
Nelleke (A horn)
Ninette (Grace)
Ninon (Grace)
Noelle (Christmas)
Norberaht (Bright heroine)
Norberta (Blond hero)
Oda (Elfin spear)
Odelina (Elfin spear)
Odila (Elfin spear)
Olinda (Protector of property)
Olivette (Olive tree)
Olly (Olive tree)
Olympe (From Olympus)
Orane (Rising)
Ormanda (Of the sea)
Otthilde (Fortunate heroine)
Pansy (Flower)
Pascaline (Born at Easter)
Pasclina (Born at Easter)
Perahta (Glorious)
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Petronille (Rock)